Pipe Lines
Feeling like you don't fit in? Why not find the right kind of people with one of our tried and tested Pipe Lines.
In less than a decade our relationship to the digital world has gone from an active one (where we search) to a passive one (where we consume). Platforms like YouTube and TikTok now compete to engage Users for as long as possible, leading algorithms to develop so called 'pipelines'. These pipelines effectively funnel users from one piece of content to the next, increasing the extremity of their sentiment as they go in order to retain the User's attention. This 'algorithmification' of the internet preys on people's insecurities and has led to the rise of neo-Nazi white supremacists, alt-right conspiracy theorists, and perhaps most famously the misogynistic sub-culture known as 'Incels'. As a result, extremist politics are now seeping into the mainstream with no end in sight.
YouTube Algorithm Recommends Videos that Violate the Platform's Very Own Policies| Mozilla Foundation
The Making of a YouTube Radical| New York Times
Examining Incel Subculture on Reddit| Global Network on Extremism and Technology
TLDR - Tech Justice Playlist| TikTok